We wish that each and every one of you could meet the men who are in our program at Waupun, to see for yourself their passion to learn. To see their compassion for their neighbors and fellow inmates. Their desire to seek out guidance. We also wish that you could see how much time they spend grappling over textbooks and literature to understand concepts of counseling, psychology, biblical text, and grammar lessons. While we may not be able to bring you to visit our students, our goal is to give you a glimpse into their lives and bring just a small piece of Waupun to you.
Inside one of Wisconsin’s maximum-security prisons, one might imagine dark spaces with little light and very little life. This is true of the physical surroundings. But even in the midst of darkness, surrounded by concrete walls, there is a beauty that comes from the hands of man. In addition to their studies, some of our students are artists, poets, and singers. Yet, it is very limited where they get to share these gifts. The concrete walls that they are behind not only keep them in but also hold onto these special gifts.
At our event next week, we will give you a glimpse into the lives of our students in multiple ways. Through a video, we will meet a few of our students. In addition, our evening dinner menu was created as an experience by Chef Joe Muench from Maxie’s, Blue’s Egg and Story Hill BKC. We will have a chance to read through the textbooks that our students use in class. And there is also a chance to view three beautify handcrafted items from Waupun inmates.
Prayer Requests
Praise God! The end of September marks the end of our second year of classes. Join us as we celebrate another year of learning and life transformations.
Pray for the hands of our students… that through their actions and handcrafted items, they can be a blessing to others both inside and outside the prison system.
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us, establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands.”
-Psalm 90:17