One of the graduates Is working towards release in a few years. He has a job in the community working at a plant that makes blow-molded barrels, containers, etc. he said that the goal is to introduce men that have been incarcerated for a long time back into the community so they get use to the world on the other side of the prison walls. He seemed very positive about his experience so far. He is currently working 3rd shift, and hopes to transition to 1st shift in the future. He talked about saving money and trying to find a church when he goes home.
As Pastor Knoll drove away he reflected on his visit and said, "I could only reflect on how much of a difference this program is making with the men we touch. When I remember who they were when they came into the program, a look at who they are now, I am just in awe of the love, grace, and mercy of God! What a privilege we have to be used by God in this ministry!"