The excitement is building as we are now onlyfour weeks away from our second annual fundraiser scheduled for September 25th. There is growing momentum behind our relatively new initiative, “Operation Transformation” where inmates at the Waupun Correctional Institution are earning a BA in Biblical Studies from Trinity International University. The stories we hear of the “ripple effect” of life transformation occurring within the families and communities of the students continue to amaze us!
Special at this year’s event will be the opportunity for all of us to hear directly from two of our sophomore students in this regard. Through a professionally produced video made for the purpose of recruiting future students, we will hear what the program has meant to these men, the sacrifices they needed to be made to be involved and the impact on one student’s daughter. Access to students within a maximum-security prison is quite limited. This is a rare opportunity to hear two impactful stories. Additionally, we will be drawn in by the presentation of our keynote speaker, Senior Warden Jeffrey Cato.Warden Cato oversees the largest men’s maximum-security prison in Texas. His main message is stunning: Warden Catoe personally witnessed the culture of his large institution change dramatically, and in a short period of time, after only 4 graduates from the Texas program (upon which our program is modeled) were transferred to his institution! You’ll also connect intimately to the real-life process of inmates studying and mentoring when Alan Atwood from Morning Star Productions brings us a dramatic one-man original play that illustrates how the program changes lives. We will also hear directly from our friends at Trinity and our Academic Dean of Students. We hope your plans will allow you to join us on the 25th as we connect with one another and collectively praise the riches of God’s work at Operation Transformation.
Prayer Requests
Pray for our event on September 25, as we see a glimpse into the heart behind “Operation Transformation”. One in which our supporters continue to open their hearts to generously share prayers, connections, and resources.
Pray for our advancing freshmen and sophomore classes, that they are prepared for the work ahead of them.
Pray for hearts to be open to applying, through personal accounts from current students and the recruitment video (mentioned above), as our incoming freshmen class, our third cohort, is currently in the application process.
“Great are the works of the Lord; they are studied by all who delight in them.”
-Psalm 111:2