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  • wisinmateedu

Not Alone

In September, 200 of WIEA’s friends and partners gathered together where they were given a glimpse of what life is like inside the classroom of our BA in Biblical Studies program within the walls of the Waupun Correctional Institution.  During my next visit to Waupun, I shared with our 42 students how many people had gathered to learn about THEM, and their progress and their prospective future roles as Peer Mentors.  The enthusiasm of the students was visible as faces lit up being warmed by our partners’ support. Men with long-term sentences usually see visitor activity begin to fall off after five years.  And, with fewer visitors, their support system begins to diminish as well.  Our students are the exception to this rule.  Despite their personal situations, ALL of them feel tremendously supported by YOU!  You support them by attending our fundraiser to learn more about the program.  You support them by praying or by giving financially or by reading our newsletters.  So, on behalf of our 42 students, thank you!

Prayer Requests

  • Praise God! 200 of WIEA’s friends and partners gathered together to hear about how our students are progressing in their studies and on the impact on their lives and the lives of those around them.

  • Student applications are currently being sorted and assessed. Pray for those that will eventually enter our program in January.

  • In the middle of a series of counseling classes, many students are reaching out beyond the prison walls and sharing what they learn with family and friends on the outside. Pray that the knowledge shared touches both their minds and hearts.

“The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them light has shined.”Isaiah 9:2 NRSV

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