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  • wisinmateedu

Pressing on During Covid-19

Thank you for your continued prayer as we navigate this difficult season at Waupun Correctional Institute (WCI). There has been a significant outbreak of COVID cases at WCI in recent weeks which has once again drastically altered life in both the prison and classroom for our students. The lockdown will be in place for the foreseeable future.

Students continue to digest lectures and complete assignments from their cells. Every Monday, lecture notes and assignments are distributed to the students, and their completed assignments are collected and graded. This is far from what we envisioned for 2020, but we are grateful the work of the program can continue in the current environment.

Despite the present challenges, we have seen God’s hand at work through the students in ways we may otherwise have missed. The students spend countless hours each week learning deep truths about God. For many, it is the first time they’ve discovered God in a meaningful way. The burden of lockdown isolation has been lifted by their studies. We’ve heard many reports of students caring for the prison staff, inmates and outside family by applying the truths they continue to learn through the program lectures. 

Thank you for your continued prayer, partnership and generosity. Specific prayer requests for the remainder of 2020:

1.) Prayer for the healing of those affected by the virus.

2.) Prayer that our students can continue their focus on the program, not allowing the feeling of isolation to  become overwhelming.

3.) Specific prayer for the health of those inside WCI, and that the lockdown might be lifted when it is safe and classroom learning can resume.

4.) Prayer of praise that the students have been able to rise to the occasion and use their education/skills to care for those around them.

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