We have sought for a long time to expand and grow our partnerships with the local church. We serve a God who seeks out the lost in order to bring them into relationship with Him and the body as a whole. Prayer is the process of us asking God to reach, teach, and care for those we may not have direct access to.
Our prayer initiative is a response to God’s leading to draw near to Fox Lake Correctional and cover the prison with 365 days of prayer for 2024.
We have asked local churches, organizations, and groups to each take 7 consecutive days to pray over our program and the prison as a whole. The method by which each group approaches this is completely flexible depending on the congregation's already established rhythms of prayer. If your church or group would like to join us in prayer by taking a week in 2024 to pray, please contact Andrew Murphy HERE so we can get you on the schedule and share any requests that might assist your group in prayer.
Thank you to the churches and groups that have signed up already to pray for Fox Lake and our students.
The year is not even half way over- we need your help to cover the prison in prayer.
Graduation will soon be upon us. Eight men are wrapping up their final classes, with graduation slated for June 13th. These seniors have had quite a journey through the program. Four years ago, as they were just three days into their first classes, the Department of Corrections issued a lockdown mandate due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown meant that for nearly a year (their entire first year in the program) the men had no face-to-face contact with their professors. All of their work was completed in a fashion reminiscent of the old correspondence school system! We are excited to witness these men reach the graduation stage, and eager to see what lies ahead for them.
This fall we’ll welcome seven new students when the new cohort starts the week of August 19. With the men in this newest cohort, we have had a total of 20 men start the program in 2024, 13 men in January and 7 in August. This latest group starting in summer will allow us to get back to the yearly rhythm of starting a new cohort every August!
Currently, Robin Knoll continues as the Interim Program Director. He has had a chance to streamline some operations along with Sarah Schuringa, the Program Assistant, thus preparing for a smooth transition when Trinity hires a new Academic Dean. We are so thankful for his tireless work!
Meet a Board Member
Steve Mayer
Board Member
Steve Mayer graduated with a Master of Arts in Religion degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. Steve is a businessman in Milwaukee and has served on various boards of organizations that aim to provide assistance to the under-resourced in our community. Steve is a father and grandfather and has been married to his wife Susan for over 40 years.
Specific prayer requests for 2024:
For the upcoming graduation to be a day of great celebration for the graduates and their guests.
For all the current students in the program to stay strong in their studies.
For success in finding a replacement for Craig.
For God to provide refreshment to all of our teachers and staff and continue to give joy as they teach.
For Prayer partners to rise up and help cover WIEA and Fox Lake in 365 days of prayer in 2024.